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Submission Manager

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The Missouri Review is currently reading submissions.

Subscribe to TMR, and discover the best new fiction, poetry, and nonfiction being written today: https://www.missourireview.com/subscriptions/

    The Missouri Review invites submissions year-round in the following categories:

    • Fiction
    • Poetry
    • Nonfiction

    To submit:

    1. Log in on the left, or if this is your first submission, complete the fields below.
    2. Please make sure to select the correct category in the ”genre” field.
    3. Please put your cover letter in the “comments” field.
    4. Upload your submission as one file in .doc, .docx, .pdf, .rtf, or .txt format.
    5. Once you click “submit”, review your information, and click “continue”, you will be taken to the payment page.
    6. If you receive an error message when uploading your work, we suggest you try using a different browser, such as Firefox.

    View complete submission guidelines and our FAQ page.

    Lingering questions e-mail: question@moreview.com

    (if different from above)
    (1.00 MB max)
    (3000 characters max)

Submission Manager
version 3.41
©2025 Devin Emke